Thursday, June 18, 2009
HeraldTrib Today Thursday June 18, 2009
Now that Pat Hope, the Buckingham Community Civic Association president, has won the Democratic primary for the House of Delegates’ 47th seat, who will head the BCCA? The conventional wisdom says that, as the Democrat, Pat most likely will win the November election and become the Delegate. He indicated at his victory party that the community will have to find a new leader if he wins in November. He did not say, but I can imagine that this job will be just one too many for his schedule (Pat is very active in the community).
It’s not a simple question, either, given two very important facts: 1, the BCCA meetings are often lightly-attended. So the pool of potential applicants is small. 2, the person needs a decent understanding of government machination as well as some political smarts to be able to talk with other groups in the neighborhood. The tenants group BU-GATA is the big one, but there’s also the informal groupings of people at the Buckingham Outreach Center, and there’s a rather large Bangladeshi community, too. I’m probably forgetting others.
No one jumps to mind as the perfect candidate right now, but I’ll start making inquiries.
The County Board met in a closed session last week with the county manager, Ron Carlee, and county staff to discuss the legal issues surrounding the historic preservation ordinance.
“No actions were taken,” county public relations rep Mary Curtius wrote in an email, so they do not need to report what was talked about.
Basically, the ordinance is a zoning ordinance giving the county, its commissions and boards the right to regulate, in this case, outside renovations in a historic district. Just so you know.
I heard about this session when I went to the open meeting of the board and the county manager where they spoke of long-term transportation and parking issues. It was the first of these sorts of meetings in which the full board sits with the manager to ask questions and get feedback before the main, public, Saturday-morning board meeting.
The old method had the board members catching up with one another, discussing ideas and questions and then individually meeting the manager in a similar way.
Board member Mary Hines told me later that, as the newest member of the county board, she really liked being able to ask questions and even more to be able to listen to the questions and remarks of others.
It strikes me, as a citizen, that this is much better. I know the law about meetings and quorums can be rather clear that too much talking behind doors turns an informal chat into a real meeting that should be conducted in public. I am not accusing the board of having stepped over the line, but it seems these monthly, open chats has clarified the line.
I have to apologize for the confusion with the story covering the park at the corner of N. Glebe Road and N. Randolph Street. County planner Scott McPartlin and I were misunderstanding one another, but we have that cleared, and I think the story is now accurate.

I feel as though I get started in the summer when other commitments pull me away. Alas, this is the last post for about a week. I’m glad I was able to get to the county board meet regarding Village 3. With luck, nothing exciting will happen next week. I’ll write to you when I return.
I forgot to put this in a moment ago when I updated the site: Saturday June 27, 8a.m. to 1p.m. People are selling all over the property on both sides of N. George Mason Drive between N. Pershing Drive and Arlington Blvd. Property maps will be available so shoppers can find the sales throughout the community; towing will be suspended during the yard sale.
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