Friday, May 01, 2009
County to Premiere "Arlington's Smart-Growth Journey"

The county has produced a full-length documentary about its history in Smart Growth development, and they are holding a public screening of the film (which can also be found on the county's web site) later this month.
"Arlington's Smart Growth Journey"
Central Library Monday, May 11, 7p.m.
The event is free and open to the public.
The 53-minute documentary will be followed by a panel discussion featuring three of the people interviewed in the documentary: Dr. Zachary Schrag, a historian and George Mason University; Hank Hulme, a former Arlington County staffer and Jay Ricks, a former Board member.
Peter Hill, of AVN, and county Spokesperson Mary Curtius were the co-producers of the project which took 18 months. They conducted 25 hours of interviews with some of the key decision-makers who fought to ensure that Arlington got Metro lines, lots of Metro stops, and development along them.
The Washington Post wrote about the movie in last Thursday's Arlington/Alexandria Extra section.
Labels: development, metro, movie, psa
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