Friday, May 01, 2009
Committee of 100 to Discuss Diversity Implementation

This will the be the topic of the May monthly meeting of the Arlington Committee of 100 (a public affairs/civic education program in the county).
Regular Monthly Dinner Meeting
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Macedonia Baptist Church
3412 S. 22nd Street, Arlington, VA 22204 (at the corners of Shirlington Road, Kenmore and 22nd Street.)
Dinner 7:00p.m.; Program 7:30p.m.
Sixteen recommendations were developed by the Diversity Dialogues. Our May program will help create options for implementing these recommendations. We are pleased that the Committee of 100 will be part of the follow-up for the Arlington County Diversity Dialogues, held in the fall of 2008.
You may have participated in them and wondered “what’s next?” Reverend Leonard Hamlin, senior pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church and Chair of the Diversity Dialogue Task Force, has invited us to his church on May 13th to discuss how to implement the 16 recommendations. Our members will be joined by some of Rev. Hamlin’s congregation, along with other Dialogue attendees, and other interested community members.
For more information, click here.
Labels: diversity, immigration, psa
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