Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Fastest Growing Political Event in Arlington!

That’s right, the HeraldTrib’s “Meet-n-Greets” must be the fastest growing political events in Arlington. Although the change from the “Meet-n-Greet” with Mike McMenamin to the “Meet-n-Greet” with Mary Hynes, Monday, was only up 400 percent (the increase from Josh Ruebner to Mr. McMenamin was an infinite percent), the growth in total numbers, 4 people, astounds.

“The rise of 400 percent in just one cycle of the event really amazes me,” said Steve Thurston, the HeraldTrib editor. “I couldn’t be happier.” (My homage to Scott McCaffrey.)

The event, Monday Oct. 22, was a casual get-together in a circle of chairs over coffee, cake and cookies. Ms. Hynes opened with some remarks and took questions for about 90 minutes.

If you get a few Buckinghamsters in a room, too, the questions get right to the difficulties facing our neighborhood—increased traffic, affordable housing, what to do with the proposed miniature golf site and day labor issues.

A pared-down version of the questions and answers appears a couple stories below (scroll down, or click this link). Much of the discussion was a conversation, often with the attendees speaking as much as, and over, Ms. Hynes, so the questions and responses required some editing.

The responses Ms. Hynes gave are verbatim in the text below, with portions removed to save space. I wanted all three of the attendees to have about the same amount of space on the blog. The questions generally are edited from the remarks a few people made at once, followed by Ms. Hynes’ response.

Suzi Pulliam, Mick Pulliam, Mauricio Trujillo

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