Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Art, Eggstravaganza, Extension Cords

In a piece called “Give and Take” sculptor Cory Wagner pushed into the front lawn of the Arlington Arts Center, over 150 thin, steel poles with plastic bowls atop. In the bowls are phosphorescent balls—they’ll glow at night—which Mr. Wagner expects people to take.
I caught him as he was installing his piece for the latest Sculpture on the Grounds, which lasts through most of September (the opening is Friday, 6 to 9 p.m.).
Lubber Run’s Eggstravaganza
I know Carol Hoover, the director of the Lubber Run Center and all of Section 2 of the county’s parks, will get back to me when I write this (since I know she reads this and is a big fan of all things Buckingham), but I must admit that I was a little disappointed at the Lubber Run Eggstravaganza Saturday, a holiday celebration sponsored by the county’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department and the Arlington Jaycees. A $3 entrance fee per child was collected.
The event was fun, and my kids had a blast with all the carnival toys. The egg hunt, in the cold of Saturday morning, was a big hit, and my kids are wearing the rings and everything else that came in the little, colored plastic eggs. The Easter Bunny had scattered about 1,000 of those eggs all over the lawn and playground at the center, and all were collected within four or five minutes, including the handful of golden eggs which won the children who found them a nice little basket.

[Kids and families wait--just barely holding back--for the start of Saturday's "Eggstravaganza" at Lubber Run Center last, chilly, Saturday.]
Can this be legal?
For the last couple of weeks, someone—I’m guessing it’s construction workers at the Gates of Ballston—has been running extension cords across Pershing Drive.

Police Notes for Buckingham
Two weeks in a row and nothing to report, according to the police (excellent!).
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