Sunday, September 17, 2006

Clear Your Calendars

There’s a “coming out party” of sorts in store for the Buckingham Village Apartments on Sept. 28, the county’s David Cristeal told me.

The county’s Sight Plan Review Committee will meet to discuss the latest proposals regarding Villages 1 and 3, two of the three separate “neighborhoods” within the apartment complex. Since Paradigm Companies, the parent owner of BV, wants to change the density of the property in Village 1 (read: rip down the garden-style apartments and put in townhouses, market rate apartments and a low/moderate income apartment building), the changes must go before the SPRC, said Mr. Cristeal of the Arlington County Department of Community Planning Housing and Development.

He said the rumors of “real high rises” are no longer accurate; everything shown on Sept. 28 will be five stories or fewer.

Village 3 of the complex will remain architecturally historic, so the company has maintained it must make its money by increasing the density and selling more units in other portions of the property. Changes to Village 2 are already underway. These changes fall under the auspices of the “Memorandum of Understanding” the county negotiated with Paradigm last July. Negotiations between the county and the landowner continue (with a March 7, 2007 deadline) to determine what the new Buckingham Village will look like.

Another important meeting this month is the Sept. 20 meeting of the Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board, Mr. Cristeal said.

By the way, the county has started a Buckingham Village web site; it includes links to major documents, meeting dates, an illegible map and other information.

As soon as I can find a legible on-line map of the Buckingham Village, I’ll link to it so that readers can see where each of the separate villages is.

Just a quick update on the Popeye’s Chicken robbery: The police posted
photos of the suspect on their web site. They’re asking anyone with information to call 703-558-2222. The photos on the web are not high resolution because the file size is limited on the web site, Det. Steve Gomez said. However, the photos sent out to other media outlets were of higher quality. Many TV stations ran the photos, he said. I haven’t heard if they plan to post the photos around the neighborhood, and nothing on the web site indicates any success in tracking the man down.


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